Traci's Books

My Books

Divine Downloads, the first in the series of three, is a book of snippets and thoughts that hold a beautiful power.

My hope is that you will be able to refer to this book over and over, finding many of these resonating at various times in life, especially during those ‘that’s-just-what-I-needed-to-hear’ moments whether it be celebrating your joy, or supporting you and giving you a little extra hope when you are struggling.


More Divine Downloads, the second book in the series of three, is a book of snippets and thoughts that hold a beautiful power.

My hope is that you will be able to refer to this book over and over, finding many of these resonating at various times in life, especially during those ‘that’s-just-what-I-needed-to-hear’ moments.


Endless Divine Downloads, the third book in the series of three, is a book of snippets and thoughts that hold a beautiful power.

My hope is that you will be able to refer to this book over and over, finding many of these resonating at various times in life, especially during those ‘that’s-just-what-I-needed-to-hear’ moments.


1000 Tips for Teenagers is a compilation book of 120 authors who have each contributed 10 tips to inspire teens.

This book is the ultimate resource for the teen who is looking for inspiration to get them through their tumultuous teenage years.

For Teens, Tweens, and Parents.



Coming Soon!

My Life My Masterpiece is a 30-Day Personal Lifestyle Planner that was developed as a simple and creative tool to track one’s daily ‘stuff’ as well as a means to eye-opening personal growth through thought provoking questions.

Simply download the planner, print it out, and you are on your way.

Congratulations on choosing to take this step into the beautiful masterpiece that is your life!

Watch for Pre-Sales Coming Soon!

Through questions and answers, challenges, and triumphs, not knowing and knowing, confusion and clarity, self-doubt and self-assurance, similarities and differences, the head versus the heart, and logic versus intuition; may this book feel like the person who understands, cries with you, and celebrates with you. There is so much to celebrate!



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Easing stress through support systems, a strong sense of self, physical activity, gratitude, positive relationships, fun, and tapping into our senses, all allow us to enjoy better balance through life.

This quick, to-the-point, and light-hearted ebook shares lessons and activities that will support you and your wellbeing.

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