Self Care ... Self Love ... Self Respect

Love yourself through the process!

What I Do

I Mentor.

Are you ready to let go of some of that external fussing, go inward, get to know yourself, tap into your soul, and your true nature?

Let’s spend some time together and do just that!

I Teach.

I create a gentle space for personal growth while blending it with a kick-in-the-butt accountably you will appreciate.

Enjoy one or more of my online courses where keeping-it-simple is where it’s at.

I Write.


“It is when we love, care for, and respect ourselves that our world changes in magical ways.“

— Traci Sparling

Coming Soon!

Watch for Pre-Sale Information

Raising Children with Special Needs

Through questions and answers, challenges, and triumphs, not knowing and knowing, confusion and clarity, self-doubt and self-assurance, similarities and differences, the head versus the heart, and logic versus intuition; may this book feel like the person who understands, cries with you, and celebrates with you. There is so much to celebrate!


Working with Traci has been life-changing

She’s taught me to be aware of my thoughts and feelings and to understand how they drive my actions (or lack of). She helps me to get clear on where and how I want to be, and the steps I need to take to get there. The journey is not always an easy one, but Traci handles it with patience, dedication and a firm but kind approach. I always look forward to our calls and I can’t imagine where I would be without her. I’ll be forever grateful.


My Story

Mentor and coach, Traci Sparling is passionate about many things.

Most importantly, she is passionate about changing and supporting how women see and respect themselves.

Like many women, Traci experienced challenges in life such as extreme bullying, abuse, and more. She was seen as a pretty face that could be easily manipulated, and she often was.